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Police to clamp down on speeding as drivers spotted doing more than double the limit


Police and speed detection teams will be out in force on Devon and Cornwall’s roads this month to send a clear message that speeding will not be tolerated in the South West.

Police officers, Police staff, Safety Camera Units, Speed Detection Officers and Community Speedwatch volunteers will be out in force throughout October as part of a national policing campaign to tackle speeding motorists.

In an effort to reduce fatal and serious collisions, the teams will focus on main arterial routes throughout the two counties, as well as in local communities where issues have been identified.

One such location is Kerrier Way in Camborne where recent data has shown some drivers travelling at more 65mph on a 30mph road.

Superintendent Adrian Leisk, strategic roads policing lead and chair of the Vision Zero South West enforcement group, said behaviour such as this will simply not be tolerated.

Supt Leisk said: “Speed is major contributory factor in fatal and serious road collisions. Driving or riding too fast gives you less time to react and greatly increases the risk of you receiving serious injuries.

“We have a fantastic team of officers, staff and volunteers who help us monitor speeding in Devon and Cornwall – but this month they are joining forces and increasing their capacity to catch people who think they can get away with speeding.

“It’s not just speed camera vans and officers with speed guns – our Community Speedwatch teams will also be joined by specialist Speed Detection Officers who are able to enforce speed limits and issue Notices of Intended Prosecution.”

Supt Leisk stressed that the operation was not about targeting motorists.

He said: “This is about preventing death and serious injury on our roads. Last year 47 people were killed and 647 seriously injured on Devon and Cornwall’s roads.

“These aren’t just numbers, these are tragedies. They are people’s loved ones, family members and friends.

“As a member of the Vision Zero South West road safety partnership, our collective aim is to halve all fatal and serious collisions in Devon and Cornwall by 2030 – and eventually to eradicate them completely.

“We know the vast majority of motorists are good drivers who stick to the rules and drive at a safe speed. This operation is targeting the minority of people who do not adhere to the rules and, in doing so, put theirs and other people’s lives at risk.”

The operation is part of a campaign by the N

ational Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC). It also includes National Safe Speeds day on October 19, which takes place during the Project Edward (Every Day Without A Road Death) week of action from October 17-21.

There will be particular encouragement for drivers to think about the speeds they use, to reflect on why they may exceed speed limits and to commit to making all their road journeys at speeds that are both legal and safe for the conditions at the time.

The operation links in and is supported by the Vision Zero South West road safety partnership, which aims to reduce road deaths and serious injuries to zero by 2040 – and to reduce current numbers by 50% by 2030.

Councillor Stuart Hughes, Devon County Council’s cabinet member for Highway Management, is vice-chairman of Vision Zero South West.

Cllr Hughes said: “Our message to motorists is a simple one – protect yourself and others by sticking to the speed limit.

“Not only does speeding put people’s lives at risk, getting caught can result in a fine, penalty points or even the loss of your driving license. In turn, this could lead some people to lose their jobs and livelihoods. "It simply isn't worth it".


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